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Sarbatoarea „Tinerilor Romani Americani”

Iubiti frati romani! Dupa 3 ani de lupta pentru salvarea tinerilor romani si introducerea si a limbi engleze in bisericile noastre, astazi 30 0ctombrie 2009, sarbatorim trecerea pe „lista bisericilor care accepta predica si-n limba engleza”, a cea de-a 10 biserica romana, „Praise the Lord”. Numele acestei biserici este: „The Oasis of Light Church”, din San Antonio, TX. pastorita de fratele: „John Blig”. Noi ii multumim Lui Dumnezeu, care asa cum ne-a promis este cu noi. Va multumim dvs. iubiti frati romani, pentru rugaciunile, suportul si dragostea care v-ati aratat-o fata de generatia tanara in decursul acestor 3 ani. Deasemenea dorim sa le multumim din suflet pentru suport, acestor pastori minunati: „Marinel Mesaros”, „Florin Cimpean”, ” Avram Berghiano”, „Simion Timbuc”, „Beni Bora „, Dr. „Lazăr Gog”, „Ted Doru Pope”, „Emanuel Pavel”, „Doru Levi Ilioi”, „Petru Lascau” si Pastorului „John Blig”. Acesti frati si-au inteles chemarea si trimeterea care le-a facut-o Dumnezeu, au renuntat la obiceiurile si traditile romanesti si fara frica, au pus lucrarea Lui Dumnezeu si salvarea tinerilor romani, mai presus de interesele personale. Ii multumim Lui Dumnezeu pentru fiecare dintre acesti frati si zicem ca Domnul Isus sa le rasplateasca la toti, toate eforturile facute cu viata vesnica. We also like to say Thank You to all the romanian american youth, you guys are the best. „Keep up the good work and never give up”. God bless you all.

Aceste biserici sunt:

„Romanian Churches, with english and romanian sermons”

=============================== Year 2008 ===============================
1). At „Living Waters Romanian Church”, Glendale, AZ. pastor: „Marinel Mesaros”, we are having: „English speaking sermons, at every Sunday morning and evening services”. Hours: Sunday Morning 10AM to 12PM Sunday Evening 5:30PM to 7:30PM. Address: 16635 N. 51st Ave, Glendale, AZ (at Cathedral Christian Center). Contact the Youth Pastor, „Doru Gurban”, His cell is: 602-653-3170, or go online at, Announce made by Brother, „Mike Olari”. We welcome the „Romanian American Youth”. Thank you Brothers: „Mike Olari”.
2). At, „Philadelphia Romanian Church”, Chicago IL. Pastor: „Florin Cimpean”, we are having, „English speaking sermons, at every Sunday evening services”. Hours: Sunday Morning 9AM to 12PM and Sunday Evening 6PM to 8PM. Friday Evening from 7PM we are having, Youth Bible Studies (in English). Address: 1713 W. Sunnyside Av. Chicago. Contact Tel: 773-728-2727, or go online at, . Announce made by Pastor „George W. Galis”. We welcome the „Romanian American Youth”. Thank you Pastor: „George W. Galis”.
3). At, „Agape Bible Church”, Portland, Or. Pastor.” Avram Berghiano”, we are having: „English speaking sermons at every of our services”. Hours: Sunday Mornig Prayer 9:30 AM. Regular Service. 10-12 AM. Evening Service 6-8PM. Wed. prayer 7-8AM. 8-9PM. Girls Choir Practice, School Of Music (ages 7-13) Thursday. Address: 5231 Se Stark, Portland, Or. 97215. Contact Tel: 503-233-8066, Announce made by „Narcis Damian” youth coordinator from „Agape Bible Church”, „We welcome the „Romanian American Youth”. Thank you Brother!, „Narcis Damian.”
4). At „Bethesda (Betezda) Romanian Pentecostal Church” Troy Michigan, Pastor: „Simion Timbuc”, we are having, „English speaking sermons, at every of our Sunday evening services”. Hours: Sunday Morning 9AM to 12PM and Sunday Evening 6PM to 8PM. Every Wednesday evening from 7PM we are having, Youth Bible Studies (in English). Address: 2075 E. Long Lake Rd. Troy, Michigan 48085 – phone: 248-740-7507, or go online at: Announce made by Brother „Dorin Pele”, Evangelist and president of „Romanian Christian Media”, . „We welcome the „Romanian American Youth”. Thank you Brother!, „Dorin Pele”.
=============================== Year 2009 ===============================
5). At „Bethesda Romanian Church of God” Denver North Carolina. Pastor. „Beni Bora „, we are having: „English speaking sermons at every of our Sunday evening services „. Hours: Sunday Morning 10AM to 12PM. Evening Service 6PM to 8PM. Address: 5570 South Highway 16, Maiden, NC 28650, Contact: Tel 704 363 4215, or go on line at,, Bethesda Church of God also hosts annual youth conferences. Announce made by the youth pastor „Aaron Floarea”. „Romanian American Youth”, you are welcome. Thank You Brother! „Aaron Floarea”.
6). At, „Emanuel Romanian Church of God” Anaheim-California. Rev. Dr. „Lazăr Gog”, we are having: „English speaking sermons at every of our Sunday morning and evening services”. Hours: Sunday Morning 10AM to 12PM. Evening Service 5PM to 7PM. Address: 1770 Cerritos Ave., Anaheim, California 92804, Contact: Tel 714-774-3847, or go on line at,, Announce made by, „Peter Bodea”. We welcome the „Romanian American Youth”. Thank you Brothers! „Peter Bodea”.
7). At „Christian Agape Church” Vancouver, Canada. Pastor: „Ted Doru Pope” and Pastor: „Emanuel Pavel”, we are having: „English speaking sermons at every of our services”. Hours: Sunday Evening 5PM to 7PM. And Friday Evening 7PM to 9PM Address: 3433 Coast Meridian Rd, Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 3N7, Canada. Contact tel: (604) 939-1621 or go online at, Announce made by Pastor, „Emanuel Pavel”. „We welcome people of all ages, from all nations and all religious denominations”. Thank you Brother: ” Pavel „.
8). At, „Emmanuel Church of God”, Phoenix , AZ. Pastor. „Doru Levi Ilioi”, „We don’t have just half hour English services. We have the whole programs in English”. Sunday Hours: 10-12 AM. Evening 6-8PM. Address: 14600 N. Black Canion Rd. Phoenix , AZ 85027, Contact Tel: 602-762-7777, or go on line at,, We welcome the „Romanian American Youth”. Announce made by Pastor: „Doru Levi Ilioi”. Thank you Brother „Doru”!
9). At, „Elim Romanian Church”, Phoenix Arizona. Pastor: „Petru Lascau”, we are having, „English speaking sermons, at every Sunday evening services”. Hours: Sunday Morning 9AM to 12PM and Sunday Evening 6PM to 8PM. Tuesday Evening from 7PM we are having, Youth Bible Studies (in English). Address: 1749 W. Cortez Street, Phoenix, AZ 85029. Contact. Tel: 602-331-4827, or go online at, Announce made by senior pastor: „Petru Lascau”, at the 41st annual Romanian Pentecostal Convention. Thank you, and God bless you Pastor: „Petru Lascau”. By the way brother Petrica! In regard to your speech at the convention we want you to know, this is all what we want from the Romanian Pastors, „nothing else”.

10). At, „The Oasis of Light Church”, San Antonio, TX. Pastor „John Blig”. We don’t have just 30 minutes English services, it is not enough. „We have the entire sermons in English”. Our Sunday worship service starts at 11 A.M. Location: The Goddard School of San Antonio. Address: 21785 Hardy Oak, San Antonio, TX 78258. Contact Tel: 210-275-9994, or go on line at: . Our goal is (Matthew 28:18-20), to plant Churches in all the major cities of the United States, Mexico, East and West Europe as well as in the muslim countries, with a center in Romania. We welcome the „Romanian American Youth”. Announce made by Pastor: „John Blig”. Thank you Brother „John”!

Stimati frati de la redactiile si site-urile crestine! Va rugam in numele Domnului Isus sa publicati anuntul nostru, prin toate mijloacele posibile. Am dori ca toti tinerii si parinti crestini romani din aceste orase, doritori de-a asculta mesajul Evangheliei atat in romaneste cat si-n limba engleza, sa afle despre acest: „Good News”. Va multumim anticipat si din inima, pentru suportul si dragostea dvs. care v-o aratati fata de generatia tanara. Dumnezeu sa va dea mult succes, in tot ceia ce faceti pentru comunitatea romana.

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